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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Foods to Lose Weight - The Top Weight Loss Foods

Your diet is very important if you want to shed some pounds. Make it count with these top 4 foods to lose weight

Your diet can make up to 80% of what you look like. If you eat healthy weight loss foods, you will lose some weight and look better.

To help you eat the right foods and to help you shed that fat, here are the top 4 foods to lose weight with:

The best foods to lose some weight with

These 4 weight loss foods should form the basis of your healthy weight loss diet.

Calcium rich foods

Calcium rich foods are excellent for speeding up your weight loss (according to a recent survey).

The best source of calcium rich weight loss foods are fat free dairy products, sardines and salmon fish. Make sure that you have at least one serving of fat free dairy a day and also of the fish.

Lean protein foods

The beauty of lean protein food is that they help to build lean muscle mass that in turn boost your metabolism and helps you to burn a ton of fat.

And it is lower in fat and calories than other foods, so it helps you to lose some pounds.

Make sure that you stick to the leaner protein type like chicken, fish, beans and pulses, and lean red meat.

Fruit and veg

Fruit and veg are excellent foods to lose weight with. They make great snacks and they are also excellent for bulking your meals up to help you consume less calories.

Healthy carbs

Healthy carbs like baby and sweet potatoes, whole-grain/wheat cereal, bread and couscous, are the better carb choice. Such foods keep you fuller for longer and also help you to eat less.

For More Related Topics Blog: Diet For Men To Lose Weight

For More Related Topics Blog: Diet For Men To Lose Weight

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