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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Calorie Counting for Weight Loss and Ongoing Healthy Living

If you are trying to lose weight or maintain it, calorie counting does not mean everything, but it's hard for you to succeed if you don't ever do it. The leaders of many diet and weight loss programs boast that they don't require calorie counting, but the truth is, regardless of the types of food you eat, for weight control calories always matter.

You don't have to count calories every day for the rest of your life. Eventually you can estimate calories based on experience and learn to eyeball portion sizes. But when you're first trying to get into the rhythm of tracking your intake, count your calories. Feeling down in the dumps? Count your calories anyway. Feel like celebrating a certain event? Continue to count your calories. Tried to be accountable for a few days and then fell off the wagon? Get back on and count your calories. Going through a stressful time, and feel like food can remedy it? Keep counting your calories.

Calorie tracking has to be hardcore for the initial period of establishing your average daily intake, say for a solid week or so, and then should go on most days for the next month or better. It's the only way you can get a grasp on what you're consuming and to hammer and forge those good eating habits. With time, you'll be able to estimate calories by sizing up portions; but in the short term get serious about tracking that intake and its caloric value.

Calorie counting will hold you accountable for your intake, and reveal in no uncertain terms your eating and drinking patterns. This will make weight loss and bodyweight maintenance easier to control and more successful. Try it, you'll see!

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